Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Peabody "Peas" was brought home in December 2009 as Guillermo's early birthday gift to me. I was not quite ready for a new addition to the family after Bear's passing, but it was just too difficult to turn away a face like this, and thus, he has been apart of my life for the last year and a half.

Don't let this face fool you.
Now, this is more like it. Can you see the personality difference between him and his brother?
Guillermo swore that Peas ate the last twinkie, I beg to differ.
Yep, he's his father's son..jersey and all.
How could you say no to this face?
This is what happens when I let Guillermo take Peas shopping. He comes back with a mohawk fur sweater that says "Bad to the Bone."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Friday we had the opportunity to celebrate Guillermo's sister Gema's high school graduation from Segerstrom High School. What an accomplishment!


Mount Zion

A few weeks back, we decided to take a quick visit to Las Vegas, then to Mount Zion for Guillermo and Juan's birthday celebrations.

Nature's Beauty
Temple of Sinawava, entrance to The Narrows
They are serious about not feeding the animals.
Riding the shuttle to the entrance of the park.

UCLA Football Scrimmage

A few months agoI decided to make an impromptu visit to UCLA's Drake Stadium for their annual Spring Football Scrimmage. I have been going on and off to these yearly scrimmages since I was a sophomore in high school pursuing photography (over ten years ago). This time I took Alex and his mommy Jess. Needless to say we all had a blast.

Friends for Life
Mother and Son
A bit shy at first...
Future football player at 2.5 years old
"Which position will I play?"