Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Childress-Daley Wedding

The whole reason for our PNW trip was this wedding. 

My dear friend Abby married the love of her life Chris...

Hinman/Silvan Winery

Reception Room

The Groom - Chris

Beautiful Bride

Mr. and Mrs. Daley!

Yummy cake!

Here's to Abby and Chris - wishing you two a lifetime of love, laughter and happiness!

Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest is beautiful. Oregon and Washington welcomed us with open arms....highly recommend everyone take this trip at least once in their lifetime. :)

This vacation was very much needed for us!

View from the airplane

Hours and hours of beautiful!

Serious logging up there

Is this considered planking? 

Oregon Coast

What are you doing?! It says BEAR COUNTRY?!

You can even dig for clams and oysters!

Dandy little car sure came in handy!

Cheese, cheese and more cheese!

Tillamook Ice Cream... Oregon Strawberry, Wild Mountain Berry and Marion Berry Pie!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Extreme Savings!

Every week I spend a few minutes each going through the Sunday paper looking for coupons and other savings..this week it really paid off!
Then I separate them zip lock bags and label them accordingly

Off to the store I go with coupons galore!

With all the coupons I had, plus an extra 5% savings on my target card...The grand total was only $60.67!

Seriously, the teeth whitening kit by its self was originally $48.99!
 Can you imagine if I would have paid full price for these items?! The mascaras can run up to 6.99 each, the Morning Star and Veggie Foods are about 3.99 per pack and the Dog and Cat treats run between 1.99 - 3.99 each!

For the teeth whitening kit purchase, I had doubled the coupons for a total of $14 off and on top of that I got a $5 gift card...I was a little bummed that I couldn't use the gift card towards that purchase....

So in the same trip I made a separate purchase with the gift card and got myself this cardigan for only $6.68!


Urban Dictionary 
(definition #5)

DIVA: A girl or woman with an exaggerated sense of self-importance. requiring a great deal of attention and excessive effort to maintain beauty, style and image

Ouch...look at that stare!

Her not so Diva moments...
She is a "sweetheart" according to her dad (Guillermo).

Really? Definitely not so Diva!

Mornings Are So Difficult....

According to Peabody, mornings are horrendous... 
not to mention a long process to get out of bed... 
(Sounds like someone I know...Memito!)

Close to 8:30 am and still sound asleep

Crawling out of bed

A morning yawn to express how tired and difficult mornings are for him

I should have known from the day we brought him home how much he loved sleep... 

Once up, he likes to find his Grandmom and Lucy to join them for coffee and donuts

And often helps himself...Grandmom doesn't really appreciate that!