Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Local Culture

One of my favorite things about living in Southern California is the mixture of cultures, ethnicities and people.

We can learn so much from each other.

Living in the IE, we get to experience the local Native Americans Pow Wow every year. 

Always a fun experience every year. 

San Manuel Native American Pow Wow 2012

The cool things you can find and purchase

Beautiful jewelry 

And of course the yummy food

Native American Taco...yummy fry bread!

Apple Picking

You can find some of the most delicious apples in Oak Glen. 

Advice - must eat as soon as picked from a tree for best taste. 

Reach Alex!

Yep, these apples are good!

Guillermo would agree!

I told you we couldn't wait to eat them

Team effort is a must when looking for just the right apple.

Golden favorite!

Pumpkin Patch 2012

Pumpkins Galore

and much more!

Love the assortment of colors

Making new friends at the petting zoo

Feeding the animals with mom

Putting mom to work

Good times 

Mom and son

Oh and look at the yummy food! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Curious or Nosy

All the attention over fixing a window screen...geez! 

Curious or just plain decide.

I say nosy. 

Fall 2012

It is finally beginning to feel like Fall.

What better way to ring in the season than with a trip to the Oak Glen

Plenty, plenty of apples to choose from...and you can sample almost all of them.

Yummy apple cider

Yes, it's good stuff!

Oh the Jellys and Jams one can find! 

Apple pressing mill

Granny Smith Apple

Jonathan or early Fuji...I lost track of all the apples we ate!

Arkansas Black...
Walt Disney's favorite apple...the one he had Snow White bite into.

Mini Apple Donuts
It was a perfect weather for a hike

 Hay ride through the orchards... I wonder if the person braiding the horses tail feared it's back hoof?
Welcome Fall 2012


This is what has consumed my life the last few months.

Never has one test caused me so much stress and preparation .... Darn you CPCE Exam!

Relieved and more than ecstatic to say I passed! 

This is how I celebrated!