Sunday, July 17, 2011


Tthe Fourth of July was spend with some of my favorite people. The day began with the Redland's 4th of July Parade with the Graff Family and ended with Guillermo and I taking Peabody to visit his dad and brother for some play time.

Peas was super excited to see this brother Roscoe and dad Chico. He also makes a new play buddy Nala.
Peas giving kissings all around.
Dad (Guillermo), brother (Roscoe), Peabody (AKA: Peas), biological dad (Chico).
Can you see the personality differences?!
At Five Guys enjoying yummy burgers with the Graff Family
Me and Melissa!
Melissa...the best CYSC Cheerleader I know!
...sweet Kiersten
and silly Sarah!

12 at 26

At 26, there are a few things this summer that have made me feel lively, carefree and 12 again. I recently had the opportunity to catch NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys) and Britney Spears in concert with some of the best gals a girl could ask for. I have seen both acts several times before and they do not disappoint. I think I want to be forever young.

NKOTBSB end the show with a standing ovation... okay, well I was standing and dancing the whole time.

What a way to start the show!
Jessica and I
She is one of the best entertainers around!
Lana and I plan on "dancing til the world ends!"