Thursday, October 13, 2011

Extreme Savings!

Every week I spend a few minutes each going through the Sunday paper looking for coupons and other savings..this week it really paid off!
Then I separate them zip lock bags and label them accordingly

Off to the store I go with coupons galore!

With all the coupons I had, plus an extra 5% savings on my target card...The grand total was only $60.67!

Seriously, the teeth whitening kit by its self was originally $48.99!
 Can you imagine if I would have paid full price for these items?! The mascaras can run up to 6.99 each, the Morning Star and Veggie Foods are about 3.99 per pack and the Dog and Cat treats run between 1.99 - 3.99 each!

For the teeth whitening kit purchase, I had doubled the coupons for a total of $14 off and on top of that I got a $5 gift card...I was a little bummed that I couldn't use the gift card towards that purchase....

So in the same trip I made a separate purchase with the gift card and got myself this cardigan for only $6.68!


  1. Wow! I'm really impressed, Souts! I thought this only happened on TV! I wish I had the brains & patience you have!

  2. Thanks Yvonne! It is time consuming, but sure does save me money! :)
